Thursday, January 31, 2013

BlackBerry Z10 spotted at UK retailers prior to BB10 event

BlackBerry Z10 spotted at UK retailers prior to BB10 event

Looks like UK retailers might be jumping the gun a bit on the about-to-be-announced BlackBerry Z10 smartphone ahead of the upcoming event. Twitter user @bandozer spotted one at a Phones4U retailer and managed to snap a pic (after the break), saying that "it looks and feels good," while our own tipster forwarded us the above image that came from another store. Looks like the only thing that'll stop the numerous leaks is when RIM finally announces the darned thing -- sometime in the next hour or two.

[Thanks, Anonymous]

Blackberry Z10 spotted at UK retailers prior to BB10 event

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Via: The Verge

Source: @Bandozer (Twitter)


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Rare veteran George Andreas leaves Microsoft, joins Sony

Former Rare game director George Andreas left Microsoft earlier this month to join Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Andreas, who'd been with British developer Rare since 1996, is working as Creative Director at SCEE's London headquarters.

Andreas was creatively involved with much of Rare's work over the last 16 years, including the likes of GoldenEye, Banjo Kazooie, Perfect Dark Zero, and Viva Pi?ata. After the company was acquired by Microsoft in 2002, Andreas took on lead roles for Xbox 360 games, such as project leader and game director of launch game Kameo: Elements of Power, and creative director on Kinect Sports.


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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Judge Koh finds Samsung infringement of Apple patents was not willful, won't triple damages

Judge Koh finds Samsung infringement of Apple patents was not willful, won't triple damages

Judge Lucy Koh has decided on several post-trial motions from Samsung and Apple in their long running patent case, overturning one key element of the jury's ruling while upholding several others. What was overturned was the jury's ruling that Samsung's acts of patent infringement were willful, which meant Judge Koh could have tripled some parts of the $1 billion+ in damages granted to Apple. On the other hand, she also rejected Samsung's request for a new trial, and invalidated two claims a wireless patent it holds. AppleInsider posted the decision to Scribd, which you can find embedded after the break, hit the source links for a few other looks at the ruling and what this means going forward. Naturally of course, it's not over yet (it's never over) as each company can still appeal elements of the ruling, and other appeals in the case are already ongoing.

Orders on Motions for Judgment as Matter of Law by Mikey Campbell

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Source: Apple Insider, FOSS Patents, The Verge


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Video: Boy Scouts consider ending ban on gay scouts

>>> boy scouts of america is on the verge of a fundamental change in its policy toward gay scouts and leaders. a move that's drawing both krifl cr cr criticism and praise this morning. good morning.

>> savannah, good morning.

>>> the board votes soon, and scouting insiders predict it will pass. it would be a fundamental change for an organization that, for decades, has fought against allowing gays in, considering such a move to be a violation of the scout oath , requiring scout s to be morally straight. if approved, a new policy would end the national ban on gay scouts and scout leaders and let local troops decide for themselves. in a statement boy scouts say members and parents would be able to choose a local unit which best meets the needs of their families. that's welcomed news to zach walls, an eagle scout from iowa, who told the democratic national convention last summer about being raised by two mothers.

>> such a ground swell of local leaders all over the country who have been calling for an end to the ban because they see how this policy is hurting their local level, as policy alienates young people .

>> reporter: anti-gay policy has prompted some big corporations, including u.p.s., to end their financial support for scouting. and some local scout leaders have pushed for a nondiscrimination policy.

>> i think it kind of caught a lot of families off guard when the boy scouts of america came out and reaffirmed their ban on gay and lesbian individuals and a lot of us feel strongly that that's not right.

>> reporter: james dale sued the boy scouts when he was let go as a scout leader after he publicly said he's gay, a case the scouts won before the u.s. supreme court . he says the new policy, which would still allow some troops to exclude gay members isn't enough.

>> boy scouts have to make sure they're teaching america and are in step with american values of equality and not discriminating.

>> reporter: more than half the nation's scouting organizations are sponsored by churches. southern baptist convention calls the potential policy change deeply disappointing.

>> we want to be respectful of everyone, but we also want respect for us, respect for those who hold to what might be called a biblical form of morality.

>> the boy scouts board meets next week in texas to vote. if the new policy is approved, it would take effect june 1st . savannah?

>> pete williams in washington, thank you.


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Police chiefs, sheriffs divided over gun control measures - U.S. News

President Barack Obama says he's looking forward to a "robust conversation" on reducing gun violence.

By M. Alex Johnson, staff writer, NBC News

In urging law enforcement leaders to back new gun control efforts, President Barack Obama is asking police chiefs and county sheriffs to unite behind a cause they don't even agree about among themselves.

Obama said Monday that he was seeking a "basic consensus" among law enforcement executives to pressure Congress for legislation to ban assault-style weapons and restrict high-capacity ammunition magazines, among a score of other measures.

But it turns out the two national groups representing police and sheriffs at a?meeting of law enforcement officials?Monday at the White House ??the Major Cities Chiefs Association and the Major County Sheriffs Association ??disagree on the initiative. The chiefs back it, while the sheriffs oppose it.

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey, president of the police chiefs group, said the deaths of 20 students and six teachers and staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., last month had settled the issue.

"If the slaughter of 20 babies does not capture and hold your attention, then I give up, because I don't know what else will," Ramsey said last week. "We have to pass legislation."

But?in a letter to Vice President Joe Biden (.pdf), who is leading the White House lobbying effort, the sheriffs group argued that "a ban on assault weapons alone will not address the issues of gun violence we are facing in our country today."

Nor would limiting magazine capacity, it said: "The problem is not the law-abiding citizen that will follow the restrictions; the problem again is one of access. ... (E)ven if you can?t buy in bulk, you can still buy multiple boxes of smaller quantities."

Similarly, the International Association of Chiefs of Police said?in a position paper (.pdf)?that it was "a strong supporter of the assault weapons ban" and measures to limit ammunition capacity. But the?Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association?applauded what it called efforts to "uphold and defend the Constitution against Obama's unlawful gun control measures."

Chiefs vs. sheriffs
The divide reflects a cultural and political gulf between police chiefs and sheriffs in a number of areas, criminal justice experts told NBC News.

Police chiefs run departments in cities where most gun crimes take place, according to FBI crime statistics over the past decade. Sheriffs run departments in counties, some or all of their jurisdictions covering rural areas where hunting and sport shooting are cherished rights. As a result, "you have these wildly different views of guns," said Gary Kleck, a professor of criminology and criminal justice at Florida State University in Tallahassee.

In counties, particularly heavily rural ones, "guns equal hunting, fishing, father-and-son-bonding-type things," he said, while in cities, "guns equal crime."

Those community views have real political effects, according to Kleck and another expert, Scott H. Decker, a professor of criminology at Arizona State University in Tempe.

"The big difference is a sheriff is elected and has to face the voters every four years," Decker said, but police chiefs are almost always appointed.

"If you're a police chief, you're not responsible to an electorate," Kleck said, and are therefore more free to advocate for politically unpopular policies like bans on certain kinds of weapons.

Sheriffs vs. sheriffs
Decker suggested that there was likely to be a broad range of opinion among sheriffs, because it's not just elections that keep them in touch with community sentiment. Because they have more varied duties ? running jails and patrolling areas that can include rural, suburban and urban communities, all in the same county ??their jurisdictions range across populations with widely?different political views on guns.

So while?many sheriffs say they wouldn't enforce new federal gun control laws, there are other sheriffs who call those sheriffs misguided.

Last week, Milwaukee County (Wis.) Sheriff David Clarke issued a public service announcement urging residents to learn how to handle a firearm "so you can defend yourself until we get there."

"With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option," Clarke says in the spot,?which you can listen to here.

Just a few counties over, Ron Cramer, sheriff of Eau Claire County, objected that Clarke was sending the wrong message.

Clarke could have gotten across his point that residents could take more responsibility for their own safety "without having to say it's time to join our team and pick up a gun," Cramer told?NBC station WEAU of Eau Claire.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Spring may come earlier to North American forests, increasing uptake of carbon dioxide

Jan. 29, 2013 ? Trees in the con?ti?nen?tal U.S. could send out new spring leaves up to 17 days ear?lier in the com?ing cen?tury than they did before global tem?per?a?tures started to rise, accord?ing to a new study by Prince?ton Uni?ver?sity researchers. These climate-driven changes could lead to changes in the com?po?si?tion of north?east?ern forests and give a boost to their abil?ity to take up car?bon dioxide.

Trees play an impor?tant role in tak?ing up car?bon diox?ide from the atmos?phere, so researchers led by David Med?vigy, assis?tant pro?fes?sor in Princeton's depart?ment of geo?sciences, wanted to eval?u?ate pre?dic?tions of spring bud?burst -- when decid?u?ous trees push out new growth after months of win?ter dor?mancy -- from mod?els that pre?dict how car?bon emis?sions will impact global temperatures.

The date of bud?burst affects how much car?bon diox?ide is taken up each year, yet most cli?mate mod?els have used overly sim?plis?tic schemes for rep?re?sent?ing spring bud?burst, mod?el?ing for exam?ple a sin?gle species of tree to rep?re?sent all the trees in a geo?graphic region.

In 2012, the Prince?ton team pub?lished a new model that relied on warm?ing tem?per?a?tures and the wan?ing num?ber of cold days to pre?dict spring bud?burst. The model, which was pub?lished in the Jour?nal of Geo?phys?i?cal Research, proved accu?rate when com?pared to data on actual bud?burst in the north?east?ern United States.

In the cur?rent paper pub?lished online in Geo?phys?i?cal Research Let?ters, Med?vigy and his col?leagues tested the model against a broader set of obser?va?tions col?lected by the USA National Phe?nol?ogy Net?work, a nation-wide tree ecol?ogy mon?i?tor?ing net?work con?sist?ing of fed?eral agen?cies, edu?ca?tional insti?tu?tions and cit?i?zen sci?en?tists. The team incor?po?rated the 2012 model into pre?dic?tions of future bud?burst based on four pos?si?ble cli?mate sce?nar?ios used in plan?ning exer?cises by the Inter?gov?ern?men?tal Panel on Cli?mate Change.

The researchers included Su-Jong Jeong, a post?doc?toral research asso?ciate in Geo?sciences, along with Elena Shevli?akova, a senior cli?mate mod?eler, and Sergey Maly?shev, a pro?fes?sional spe?cial?ist, both in the Depart?ment of Ecol?ogy and Evo?lu?tion?ary Biol?ogy and asso?ci?ated with the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmos?pheric Administration's Geo?phys?i?cal Fluid Dynam?ics Laboratory.

The team esti?mated that, com?pared to the late 20th cen?tury, red maple bud?burst will occur 8 to 40 days ear?lier, depend?ing on the part of the coun?try, by the year 2100. They found that the north?ern parts of the United States will have more pro?nounced changes than the south?ern parts, with the largest changes occur?ring in Maine, New York, Michi?gan, and Wisconsin.

The researchers also eval?u?ated how warm?ing tem?per?a?tures could affect the bud?burst date of dif?fer?ent species of tree. They found that bud?burst shifted to ear?lier in the year in both early-budding trees such as com?mon aspen (Pop?u?lus tremu?loides) and late-budding trees such as red maple (Acer rubrum), but that the effect was greater in the late-budding trees and that over time the dif?fer?ences in bud?ding dates narrowed.

The researchers noted that early bud?burst may give decid?u?ous trees, such as oaks and maples, a com?pet?i?tive advan?tage over ever?green trees such as pines and hem?locks. With decid?u?ous trees grow?ing for longer peri?ods of the year, they may begin to out?strip growth of ever?greens, lead?ing to last?ing changes in for?est make-up.

The researchers fur?ther pre?dicted that warm?ing will trig?ger a speed-up of the spring "green?wave," or bud?burst that moves from south to north across the con?ti?nent dur?ing the spring.

The find?ing is also inter?est?ing from the stand?point of future changes in spring?time weather, said Med?vigy, because bud?burst causes an abrupt change in how quickly energy, water and pol?lu?tants are exchanged between the land and the atmos?phere. Once the leaves come out, energy from the sun is increas?ingly used to evap?o?rate water from the leaves rather than to heat up the sur?face. This can lead to changes in daily tem?per?a?ture ranges, sur?face humid?ity, stream?flow, and even nutri?ent loss from ecosys?tems, accord?ing to Medvigy.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Princeton University. The original article was written by Cather?ine Zan?donella.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal References:

  1. Su-Jong Jeong, David Medvigy, Elena Shevliakova, Sergey Malyshev. Predicting changes in temperate forest budburst using continental-scale observations and models. Geophysical Research Letters, 2012; DOI: 10.1029/2012GL054431
  2. Su-Jong Jeong, David Medvigy, Elena Shevliakova, Sergey Malyshev. Uncertainties in terrestrial carbon budgets related to spring phenology. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2012; 117 (G1) DOI: 10.1029/2011JG001868

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Student loans surpass credit card debt | UWIRE

Florida State U. graduate student Ryan Bennett will have $20,000 in student loan debt. Senior Torie Nugent will accumulate $24,000. Junior Melia Orrell will surpass $70,000. These three Seminoles, though from different states and engaged in different fields of study, all share in the common struggle to finance their education through student loans.

In 2012, Americans racked up over $1 trillion in student loans. It has become 35 percent of the federal government?s debt and now outpaces credit card debt as a leading source of household debt. As a college degree becomes more crucial to compete in today?s workforce, students are taking on more student loans to ensure a return on their educational investment.

Marc Samardzija, an FSU doctoral student in Economics and teaching assistant, was trading stocks on Wall Street in 2008 during the onset of the Great Recession. As he observed with the housing mortgage crisis, he foresees another bubble waiting to burst in student loan debt.

?I think it?s already kind of burst a little bit,? said Samardzija. ?This is kind of being swept under the rug. But if it?s not addressed, we could see in two or three years, if things haven?t improved and the economy hasn?t turned around enough where more jobs are created and these loan debt obligations aren?t able to be met, then you will see this become a forefront as an issue both in education and the finances of this country.?

Samardzija believes that college has become an institution of business rather than education, creating a dangerous relationship with financial and banking industries.

?You have all of these investment banks who depend on a very strong source of revenue of loans to basically be able to upkeep their business and schools the same thing they bring a strong supply of students,? said Sarmardzija. ?You mix two together and the cost of education is skyrocketing.?

Ryan Bennett has dreamed of studying meteorology since he was in kindergarten. Now a graduate student, Bennett is closer to realizing his dream but deeper in student loan debt as he pursues it.

?If I didn?t have these loans, I wouldn?t have made it through undergrad,? said Bennett. ?I wouldn?t have even been able to come to graduate school because my tuition?there?s no way I would have been able to pay it off.?

Bennett proposes that student loans be adjusted for STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) majors to give them the financial means to succeed in these areas that are critical to our nation?s ability to compete in the international arena.

International Affairs and Spanish student Melia Orrell considers her impending $70,000 student loan debt ?outrageous? and challenges the nation to demand greater access to post-secondary education.

?I could make anywhere from $20,000 a year to $200,000 a year and I have no way of knowing what I?ll end up making and therefore it causes me a lot of anxiety,? said Orrell. ?I don?t know how I?m going to pay it back.?

With financial uncertainty, Orrell also believes that Florida State should address the practical uncertainty associated with loans by educating students about the implications of student loan debt.

?Honestly, I?m a junior and I still don?t know how its going to work after I graduate,? said Orrell. ?I don?t when I?m going to have to start paying loans back, I don?t know how much I?m going to be paying a month or a year, I don?t know if it?s going to be based on my salary. I know it sounds irresponsible, but honestly I don?t really know where to go for the right information.?

FSU acting major and Massachusetts native Torie Nugent is paying out-of-state tuition, but says that the prestige of Florida State?s program outweighs what will become ?just another bill.?

Nonetheless, she said she believes that the government should play a role in helping students repay their loans.

?I think that a deferment program would help a lot of people trying to make the transition from college to real life,? said Nugent. ?It would allow them more economic freedom so they might be able to work and save more so that it would be easier to pay off those loans.?

While companies like MassMutual Insurance are reaching out to students through social media to offer creative student loan debt solutions, it is clear that the future of college affordability will require input from the front lines of universities, the federal government and private industry alike.


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New options for transparent contact electrodes

New options for transparent contact electrodes [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Jan-2013
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Contact: Klaus Ellmer
Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres

This press release is available in German.

Found in flat screens, solar modules, or in new organic light-emitting diode (LED) displays, transparent electrodes have become ubiquitous. Typically, they consist of metal oxides like In2O3, SnO2, ZnO and TiO2.

But since raw materials like indium are becoming more and more costly, researchers have begun to look elsewhere for alternatives. A new review article by HZB scientist Dr. Klaus Ellmer, published in the renowned scientific journal Nature Photonics, is hoping to shed light on the different advantages and disadvantages of established and new materials for use in these kinds of contact electrodes.

Metallic (Ag or Cu) or carbon based nanostructures exhibit many interesting properties that could potentially be exploited pending further research. Even graphene, a modified form of carbon, could turn out to be a suitable transparent electrode, since it is both transparent and highly conductive. These properties depend, to a large extent, on the material's composition: graphene, which consists of a single layer of carbon atoms arranged into a hexagonal "honeycomb" grid, is two-dimensional, and, within these dimensions, electrons can freely move about.

According to Ellmer, "these new kinds of materials could be combined with more conventional solutions or find their way into entirely new areas of application." For this to become a reality, researchers have yet to come up with solutions to nanostructure problems like short circuits and continue to illuminate the relevant transport mechanisms. It would also be interesting to determine whether these two-dimensional "electron gases" also form in materials other than graphene. Success ultimately depends on whether or not the new materials prove stable in the long run in their practical application and whether or not they can be produced relatively inexpensively.


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New options for transparent contact electrodes [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Jan-2013
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Contact: Klaus Ellmer
Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres

This press release is available in German.

Found in flat screens, solar modules, or in new organic light-emitting diode (LED) displays, transparent electrodes have become ubiquitous. Typically, they consist of metal oxides like In2O3, SnO2, ZnO and TiO2.

But since raw materials like indium are becoming more and more costly, researchers have begun to look elsewhere for alternatives. A new review article by HZB scientist Dr. Klaus Ellmer, published in the renowned scientific journal Nature Photonics, is hoping to shed light on the different advantages and disadvantages of established and new materials for use in these kinds of contact electrodes.

Metallic (Ag or Cu) or carbon based nanostructures exhibit many interesting properties that could potentially be exploited pending further research. Even graphene, a modified form of carbon, could turn out to be a suitable transparent electrode, since it is both transparent and highly conductive. These properties depend, to a large extent, on the material's composition: graphene, which consists of a single layer of carbon atoms arranged into a hexagonal "honeycomb" grid, is two-dimensional, and, within these dimensions, electrons can freely move about.

According to Ellmer, "these new kinds of materials could be combined with more conventional solutions or find their way into entirely new areas of application." For this to become a reality, researchers have yet to come up with solutions to nanostructure problems like short circuits and continue to illuminate the relevant transport mechanisms. It would also be interesting to determine whether these two-dimensional "electron gases" also form in materials other than graphene. Success ultimately depends on whether or not the new materials prove stable in the long run in their practical application and whether or not they can be produced relatively inexpensively.


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Monday, January 28, 2013

Shapiro: 'Liberal' label doesn't cut it for Obama

By Walter Shapiro

Is Barack Obama a liberal?

That question might have aroused spirited debate, especially among Democrats, during the president?s vague-is-in-vogue re-election campaign. But since the polls closed on Nov. 6, President Obama has undeniably positioned himself to the left of Candidate Obama.?

Amid the national grieving over the Sandy Hook shootings, Obama suddenly found the gumption to stare down the NRA and put gun control back on the national agenda. His inaugural address will be remembered for the stirring endorsement of gay rights and the sudden rediscovery of climate change. Then before the inaugural glow wore off, the Pentagon announced that it would drop its ban on women in combat. And immigration reform?another explosive topic?is likely to receive a star turn in the upcoming State of the Union address.

But before we dust off right-wing commentator Dinesh D?Souza?s absurd claim that Obama is really a Kenyan socialist, let?s look more closely at the president?s sudden liberal fervor.

Make no mistake, Obama is indeed a transformational 21st-century leader when it comes to any issue that touches on individual rights and equality. He reflects the end of the white-bread politics that elected both Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan to two terms. Rather than defying the demographic and attitudinal shifts that produced the America of 2013, Obama embodies them.

Some of his liberal statements and actions are undoubtedly payback to the electoral coalition that gave the president a second term despite the stagnant economy. When the first wave of Obama White House memoirs are published, it will be fascinating to read about the internal debates over the gay-rights portion of the inaugural address. But maybe, in reality, there was little dissent. Maybe Obama and his top advisers simply understood that it was time.

Any discussion of Obama?s newly expressed passion for gun control has to begin with the fact that this Chicago-shaped politician is our first urban president since John Kennedy. Unlike, say, Bill Clinton, Obama never came from a place where guns are equated with hunting rather than violent shootouts. Remember, during the 2008 primary campaign against Hillary Clinton, Obama in a private fundraiser derided rural voters who ?cling to guns or religion.?

When it comes to regulating guns, political geography matters. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg may be the nation?s most zealous proponent of gun control, but it is hard to describe this billionaire plutocrat, who endorsed George W. Bush for president in 2004, as a dangerous left-winger.

Immigration reform is another issue with a bipartisan pedigree. The plan that Obama is likely to highlight in his State of the Union address will bear a close resemblance to the legislation that John McCain and Ted Kennedy introduced in 2005 with the blessing of George W. Bush and Karl Rove. It is hard to describe the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has consistently backed immigration reform, as a hotbed of left-wingers.

Painting an ideological portrait of any incumbent president is tricky since the subject keeps moving rather than holding a fixed position. All presidencies are filled with contradictions: Ronald Reagan raised taxes; Bush dramatically expanded the social safety net by adding a prescription drug benefit to Medicare; and Obama, for a while, dramatically increased troop levels in Afghanistan.

Even now, there is a zigzag quality to Obama?s foreign policy. In his inaugural address, the president declared, ?A decade of war is now ending.? But not the vastly expanded drone attacks, which have become Obama?s favored way of battling terrorists. To the consternation of liberals, Obama has refused to make public the legal justification for this airborne war conducted by robots.

The president?s economic orientation can be equally confounding. In an interview after the election, Obama claimed, ?My policies are so mainstream that if I had set the same policies that I had back in the 1980s, I would be considered a moderate Republican.? Of course, this contention is self-servingly hyperbolic. But Obama?s words do underscore how the political pendulum on economic issues (but decidedly not on social issues) has moved to the right in the past three decades.

How liberal is a president who signed the ?fiscal cliff? legislation that made permanent the Bush tax cuts for roughly 99 percent of Americans? How liberal is a president who at various points in his budget negotiations with the Republicans has toyed with raising the eligibility age for Medicare and cutting back the inflation adjustment for Social Security? How liberal is a president who allowed the Wall Street masterminds behind the economic collapse to go unpunished for their flagrant misdeeds?

Even the big-government complexity of Obamacare was created in large measure because the president refused to endorse the liberal cause of a single-payer system like Medicare. And while not beating the drums for the president?s claim to be a moderate Republican, didn?t a Massachusetts governor named Mitt Romney enact an analogous health-care plan?

The point is that an inaugural address and a few post-election gestures do not, by themselves, define who Obama is as a political leader. So far the liberalism of Obama in the personal sphere has been tempered by the centrism of Obama in the economic and foreign-policy realm.

This ideological blurriness comes with the keys to the Oval Office. To steal a line from Walt Whitman, Obama can rightly say, ?I am large, I contain multitudes.?


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DARPA Builds A 1.8-Gigapixel Camera That Can Spot Six-Inch Targets From 20,000 Feet

DARPA has released more details on the ARGUS-IS, a 1.8-gigapixel camera that will be attached to unmanned drones to spot targets as small as six inches at an altitude of 20,000 feet. The camera - which is one of the highest resolution systems in the world - can view ten square miles of terrain at a time and zoom in on targets with surprising clarity.


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Gas leak proves fatal at Samsung chip plant in Korea

Gas leaks proves fatal at Samsung chip plant in Korea

A maintenance contractor called out to fix a hydrofluoric acid leak at a Samsung plant has died in the hospital, according to Korean media. Four others were injured by the lethal gas but have reportedly been discharged. The factory in question is located within South Korea, which isn't known for the sort of lax safety standards that plague workers in China, but AsiaE reports the accident will nevertheless be investigated to find out if any laws were breached in the way the leak was handled, and if the killed contractor was wearing the right protective gear. For the sake of context, it's worth remembering that even state-of-the-art installations can be prone to accidents -- in 2011, for example, seven American workers were injured in an explosion at Intel's semiconductor fab in Arizona.

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Via: The Verge, The Next Web

Source: AsiaE, Yonhap News, CriEnglish


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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Archos moves into iPad accessories with the Archos Design Bluetooth Keyboard

Archos moves into iPad accessories with the Archos Design Bluetooth KeyboardArchos is very well known for its tablets and was one of the first to hit the market with a dedicated personal media player. Now after years of average success with its own products, it is branching out by making accessories for other devices. First out of the gate is the Archos Design Bluetooth Keyboard for iPad, it is a magnetic clip on Bluetooth keyboard designed to be used with the all 9.7-inch iPads with the exception of the first generation.

The Bluetooth Keyboard for iPad was created by a new division in ARCHOS that will be dedicated to sharing ARCHOS innovations with other brands. With a very similar look and feel to the ARCHOS Gen10 XS coverboard, the Bluetooth Keyboard for iPad is ultra-thin at only 5 mm (0.2??) and features an adjustable kickstand along with an aluminum back casing. Combining the best of both worlds.

?The needs and wants of today?s consumer have changed drastically over the past few years. Consumers expect everything to be smaller, faster, thinner, lighter and aesthetically pleasing,? says Henri Crohas, Founder and CEO of ARCHOS. ?In order to meet this demand we feel that we should share our innovation and design across a number of different platforms.?

The Archos Design Bluetooth Keyboard for iPad certainly looks the part with its super slim design, aluminium construction, long battery life and magnetic connection to the iPad. It is slated to be released in March this year with a suggested price of $79.

Source: Archos PR

Archos moves into iPad accessories with the Archos Design Bluetooth Keyboard


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[More from Mashable: 9 Funniest People on the White House Tour]

Click here to view the gallery: More Comics From Jerry King

This story originally published on Mashable here.


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Why Fox News dropped Sarah Palin

After John McCain picked Sarah Palin out of relative obscurity to be his vice presidential running mate, she became a political force of nature. Since then, however, her star has lost its luster within the GOP, and she?s parted ways with Fox News.

By Brad Knickerbocker,?Staff writer / January 26, 2013

Sarah Palin delivers the keynote address to activists from America's political right at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington last February. Palin is out as a Fox News Channel contributor, the network reported Friday.

J. Scott Applewhite/AP


When the history of US politics in the early 21st century is written, two figures will stand out: Barack Obama and Sarah Palin.

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The election of Mr. Obama to the highest elective office ? the first African-American to win the presidency ? did not necessarily signal a new era of post-racial politics. But coming just a generation after federal troops in the South (and a federal judge in Boston) were necessary to desegregate public schools, it was a huge milestone.

Sarah Palin was not the first woman to win a major political party?s vice presidential nomination; that was US Rep. Geraldine Ferraro, Walter Mondale?s running mate way back in 1984.

But the presence of the former Alaska governor on the GOP ticket headed by Sen. John McCain in 2008 invigorated the party ? at the time, at least. And although they lost to Obama and Joe Biden, it wasn?t the blowout that Mondale and Ferraro suffered against Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush.

Ferraro went on to relative political obscurity, twice losing Democratic Party primaries for the US Senate. Ms. Palin, on the other hand, was just getting started when the returns for the 2008 presidential race were being counted.

How well do you know Sarah Palin? A quiz.

Over the next few years, she became a political force of nature ? stirring a tea party base that thronged to her appearances, scaring GOP incumbents deemed too willing to find common ground with Democrats, and building a very lucrative business that included (for one season, at least) her own ?reality? TV show while launching one of her five children ? daughter Bristol ? on her own entertainment career.

Meanwhile, as with some other conservative ex-elected officials like Mike Huckabee, Palin was given a sinecure of sorts as a commentator for Fox News, which built a studio in her home in Wasilla, Alaska, from which she railed against the ?lamestream media? and anything Obama proposed or did as President.

No matter that Mrs. Palin became the butt of liberal jokes, driving left-leaning bloviators nuts, and giving a huge boost to the acting career of Saturday Night Live?s Tina Fey. Her ?Grizzly Mama? persona ? a sharp-edged folksiness with the occasional rhetorical stumble ? attracted at least as many people as it turned off. ?Run, Sarah, Run!? echoed among adoring throngs urging her to run for the White House.

Although not every candidate she endorsed in 2010 won, her record was respectable.


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Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Other Side

The tone of this thread will be a mixture of the dark humor of Black Bulter, violence of Hellsing (OVA/Manga) with the snarkiness of Devil May Cry with a flair of The Godfather.

January 5th, 2013

Location: New York City

Operatives: Sector Jackel and Sector Hyde

Mission: Apprend rouge informant

Additional Notes: Keep public damage to a miniumum i.e NO EXPLOSIVES

It was a cold and wet day in New York City with a light rain starting to fall from the sky. The once busy streets of Dante Avenue were practially vacant for one single reason SLAYER operatives were currently on a mission. Said operatives were currently located inside a black van attempting to work out a well as refrain from killing each other.

"Our target is a Ferin by the name of Alexander Yente, who is currently under the guise of a human tattoo artist. Despite his status as netural he has been useful to our sector of Jackel as an informatant due to his personal relations with a servant of the Rein Crime Family, said servant is currently unidentifed by our reporters."

Glasses shined slightly for a moment as they were adjusted with a gloved hand revealing cold blue eyes staring intently at the file. The smooth voice continued reading as he turned the page of the file "Our target has been declared missing as of last week when he failed to show up for report. That is our mission to find our missing link so to speak".

"Maybe he just was out chasing some new tail. Don?t those Ferin go into heat around this time?"

A gruff new voice asked with impatience. Hiding out was not part of a Hyde's job. Hell, there was a reason he was currently even there was because the place they were staking out at was known for aggressive clients none too fond of humans unless they were a food source.

"That is beside the point; you don't seem to understand without him our Intel is as good as non-existent. Any future conflicts with the Rein family would be a grim situation even for you Hyde combatants."

"Any fight is a fight I am determined to win Suit. There is a reason I brought Gretel with me for this little mission". The rough voice spoke with a cheerful tone as the burly man gently patted the rocket launcher at his side.

Suit rolled his eyes as the large weapon. Hyde operatives were renowned in SLAYER for their combat skills; however silence was not in their skillset. As far as Suit was concerned the Hyde sector was all brawn and no brain..Tank was no exception. A loud beep broke the awkward silence as Suit nodded as the coordinator at SLAYER gave them the all clear to start the second phase of their mission. Casing the building itself and hopefully locating their target. The duo went over their plan once before stepping out into the now pouring rain.

Their destination was the vacant building in which they had been watching for the past two hours. Suit knew otherwise thanks to his glasses which allowed him to see through any type of camouflage magic or not. Adjusting the frame of his glasses with a small tap, data streamed across the glass before vanishing. Suit?s stoic demeanor broke for a moment as the building remained the same as ever aside from a bright neon sign boldly displaying ?W: Brothel and Bar?. A smirk appeared as Suit caught the wolfish smile of Tank who was gaping at the sign.

?What thought that you were the only one who knew about this place? The joys of technology my friend rendering any magical concealment worthless like a cheap trick...?

It was Tank?s turn to smirk as he slung an arm over the gangly frame of Suit, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes boldly stating
?Nah, I am just surprised you even know about this place. Everyone figured you were about as sexual as a rock.?

Tank grinned as he ruffled the man?s coal hair with a rough hand, much to the annoyance of the owner who swatted the hand away with surprising speed. His playful demeanor vanished as he was suddenly staring down the barrel of a gun. More specifically a pistol with a silencer in the right hand of an irritated Suit.

?Shut up and go around back NOW. Before I blow your damn head off and leave you to the strays to pick your corpse.?

?Morbid fellow aren?t you Suit.? Tank chuckled before heading into the alleyway for once being serious about his job, at least for now.

Suit placed the gun back into his suit with a sigh before entering the brothel with a blank face. The interior of the building smelled of alcohol and extremely nauseating combination. Suit glanced through the crowds trying to find his target. His search was interrupted by a buxom woman practically draping her scantily clad figure across Suit?s form painted lips pursed in a pout.

?Looking for someone handsome? Or perhaps just a good time?? The woman purred with lust dripping in her voice. A classic Ferin in heat still dangerous despite possibly being compromised. Suit?s cold eyes traced the woman?s form eyeing the tattoos that covered her body like a second form.
?Of course, I am darling allow me to escort you to somewhere..more private?

Gently grabbing the woman?s wrist Suit pulled her through the crowd out into the crisp air his hair rapidly becoming soaked from the rain. Slicking his hair back with a hand he shoved the woman against the wall. The woman gasped in surprise as her back collided roughly with the brick, her eyes darkening with desire.
?It?s okay sir..I like it rough?

Suit grinned at that comment before laughing coldly and stepping back with his gloved hands in his pocket. The large figure of Tank appeared behind him along with the glint of brass knuckles that lined his fingers.

?Now, lady I would hate to hit a girl..but we all know you an?t no gentlewoman? Tank grinned before gripping the slender throat of the shocked woman.
?Enough games Alexander we caught you so give up the act?

The woman hissed through her teeth as her ?tattoos? rapidly began to move before consuming her entire figure. Tank quickly removed his hand as the ink attempted to crawl onto the man?s hand like a type of parasite.

?Welcome back to the land of testosterone Alexander?I will never understand why you chose to cloak yourself in such a feminine form.? Alexander merely smirked with cocky look before brushing off his crisp white shirt.

Tank stood shocked as the man who was a she was acting so calm despite going through a complete transformation. Nothing on the Ferin?s file stated he had the power to change gender. A hand on his shoulder pulled him out of his shocked state.
? No need to look so worried Tank, Alexander was merely cloaking himself with his ink in the form a woman. He cannot not switch genders without medical procedures as far as I know. Am I correct Alex??

?Yes you are Suit. I apologize for frightening your little giant. I couldn?t help myself humans are such amusing creatures.?
Suit grinned for the first time before calling in back to SLAYER headquarters. ? Target has been found and is willing to corporate. Mission complete?. His blue eyes glanced at Alexander who was merely toying with Tank now by constantly changing his hair color from crimson to a bubblegum pink.

Taping his glasses once more this time having them act as a recording device he readied himself to interview Alexander. Alexander?s antics stopped upon seeing a the blinking red light on the lens of the glasses.

?I do have a good reason for not reporting in Suit.?

Tank merely rolled his eyes and inched toward the handle of Gretel, ready at any moment to send an explosive rocket into the Ferin before him at any sign of hostile or dishonesty.

? Oh really what would that be??

?I was nearly murdered by another Ferin in the service of a rival family. My darling little Vixen graciously allowed me to copy her form in order to hide out in her master?s house. Now those were some interesting nights??
Suit held up his hand to cut off anymore unwanted monologues of Alexander?s love life. That was one thing that he did not need to include in the report. The only thing was of any use was the fact that it seemed tensions between rival families was growing once more.

It would be up to SLAYER to stand as the barrier between the supernatural and the public. After all the human public did not need to know what truly went bump in the night.



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GOLDMAN'S JIM O'NEILL: Facebook Is To Blame ... - Business Insider

Every once in a while, since the economic crisis started, the phrase "currency wars" pops up.

It just means central banks trying to weaken their currencies (to make their countries more competitive) and other countries complaining about said weakening. It's not really that weird or that war-like.

Lately Japan has been the big easer, and interestingly some of the loudest complaints have come from the Germans, in part because Germans love hard money, but probably more likely because Germany is a big export powerhouse that could lose out if the Euro gets too strong against the yen.

And in fact, EURJPY has been going bananas, as the Euro is on a huge tear, and the yen is on just the opposite.

Here's a chart of the euro against the yen. It's been a rocket ride.

EURJPY via Bloomberg

So yes, that chart is not helpful to German exporters, but that's only half the story.

In his weekend note, Jim O'Neill of Goldman Sachs Asset Management partially blames the currency war on the "Facebook Times" because there's ever more interest in politicians saying soundbite things about economics that can go viral, and get posted by anyone with an internet connection.

Says O'Neill:

The Return of the Phrase ?Currency Wars?. Yet Another Sign of the ?Facebook Times?.

With the sharp fall of the Yen starting to get more and more attention and comment, one aspect that is back to the forefront is the notion of so-called ?currency wars? and the accusation that this time it is Japan that is supposedly engaging in them, with publicly the German policymakers, so far, being the most vocal on the topic. Some considerable time ago, I devoted a Viewpoint to the same topic when the Brazilian finance minister accused both Washington and Beijing at various times of similar supposed currency manipulation efforts, and just like them, I am going to be dismissive of such accusations.

At times, many countries and their governments do deliberately engage in efforts to change the price of their currency. It is quite amusing to read any continental European policymaker making such accusations when ? for much of floating rate history ? their own currencies have been managed very closely in semi-formal exchange rate systems, and, of course, today a large number of them kept in a formal monetary union, which, as we all know, has required intense focus and energy to keep alive. For most of the prevailing life between the end of floating in 1971 and the start of the European Monetary Union (EMU) in 1999, the Deutschmark versus the French Franc was held in very narrow ranges, except for the occasional FFR 2 devaluation and other occasional bouts of turbulence. Was that not currency manipulation?

I don?t recall either Chancellor Merkel or the Bundesbank recently accusing the Swiss authorities of deliberately manipulating the Swiss Franc?

Of course, much of what is often said, especially by a politician, is to use populist notions to either distract or sometimes attract attention to something that suits their purpose. And of course, it is especially easy and persistently tempting in this world of instant access to the internet and blogs where anyone can offer a view about almost anything.

Basically, 'currency wars' is a silly phrase with huge viral potential.


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Unpopular Dog Names: Monikers For Pets That Are No Longer Cool

From Vetstreet's Kristen Seymour:

Just as today?s second-grade classrooms are no longer filled to the brim with Jennifers and Jasons, the dog names that were most popular a decade or two ago are no longer at the head of the class.

After checking out the most popular and trendiest puppy names, we decided to try something different and determine which names are on the other end of current trends. Using Vetstreet?s data on close to 1.26 million dogs, we took a peek at which names have fallen in popularity since 2003. Here are the 10 male and 10 female dog names that have fallen the farthest in the past decade.

List and captions courtesy of Vetstreet

  • #10 Sammy (Male) / Shadow (Female)

    Sammy was the No. 24 most popular male dog name a decade ago and fell to No. 66 last year. It?s worth noting that Sam is also losing popularity, falling from No. 14 to No. 35 over the same period of time. Shadow, which came in as the No. 51 most popular female dog name in 2003, has now fallen to No. 87.

  • #9 Smokey (Male) / Madison (Female)

    Smokey hasn?t fallen out of the top 100, but after going from No. 43 to No. 87 over the last decade, it still earned a spot on this list. Madison, the No. 62 female dog name in 2003, dropped out of the top 100 in 2009. Its nickname, Maddie, has also lost popularity but at a slower pace.

  • #8 Luke (Male) / Sheba (Female)

    Although Luke was the No. 56 most popular name for male dogs in 2003, it fell out of the top 100 in 2012. Sheba, a name that fell off the list of most popular female dog names in 2009, came in at No. 61 back in 2003.

  • #7 Scooby (Male) / Casey (Female)

    Scooby (Dooby Doo), where are you? Not in the top 100 anymore. After coming in at No. 53 in 2003, the name of one of pop culture?s favorite pups fell out of the top 100 in 2008. Casey, which was the No. 58 most popular female name a decade ago, also fell off the most popular names list in 2008.

  • #6 Rusty (Male) / Heidi (Female)

    Rusty had a home on the list of 20 most popular names a decade ago, coming in at No. 16, but last year it dropped to No. 63. Heidi is still in the top 100 most popular female dog names ? but only just, coming in at No. 92 after holding the No. 50 spot in 2003.

  • #5 Joey (Male) / Lucky (Female)

    Joey, the No. 52 most popular male dog name in 2003, fell out of the top 100 in 2012, earning it the No. 5 spot on this list. Lucky was the No. 56 most popular female dog name in 2003 but dropped off the list in 2010.

  • #4 Spike (Male) / Katie (Female)

    Spike has fallen drastically in popularity in the past decade, going from No. 29 in 2003 to No. 81 in 2012. Katie saw a similar drop, beginning at No. 33 a decade ago, then falling to No. 82 last year.

  • #3 Rudy (Male) / Misty (Female)

    Rudy was in the top half of most popular names in 2003, coming in at No. 47, but fell out of the top 100 last year. After holding the No. 48 spot in 2003, Misty dropped off the 100 most popular names list in 2011.

  • #2 Dakota (Male) / Holly (Female)

    Dakota, the No. 43 most popular male dog name in 2003, comes in second on our list after dropping out of the top 100 in 2009. Holly, the second least trendy female dog name, has a similar story, claiming No. 45 in 2003 and falling off the list of most popular names in 2012.

  • #1 Scooter (Male) / Brandy (Female)

    Scooter earned the top spot on this list by declining the most in popularity over the past decade, falling from No. 34 on the list of most popular male dog names in 2003 to No. 98 in 2012. Brandy takes No. 1 for females on the least popular list, starting at No. 42 in 2003 and falling out of the top 100 in 2011.

  • Also On The Huffington Post...

    Puppy Spaniels are playful creatures and enjoy play time in the garden.

More from Vetstreet:
5 Once-Popular Dog Breeds That Are Sadly Disappearing
10 Trendiest Dog Names for 2013
13 Largest Dog Breeds: Towering and Commanding
Why Does My Dog? Kick Grass After Pooping?
Most Popular Kitten Names

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Real estate tech startup Agorafy launches social - The Real Deal

Richard Du

Agorafy, a real estate startup that specializes in commercial listings, will launch a professional social network at the end of January, aimed at boosting the interaction between brokers, owners, building managers, financiers and designers.

Richard Du, the President and CEO of commercial brokerage Dumann Associates said he wanted to break the shackles of anonymity that most commercial brokers are burdened with. ?They?re doing multi-million dollar transactions and no one knows anything about them personally,? said Du, ?and it?s because they don?t have a digital home. Residential brokers have photos and testimonials, everyone can recognize them. I?ve been a commercial broker for 15 years and no one knows what I look like!?

In a sort of LinkedIn for the commercial real estate space, professionals can list their career highlights and specialties in the commercial real estate space. Brokers, property owners and managers will be able to link to their current exclusives, submit new exclusives and submit details on closed transactions.

Du started his brokerage in 2002, after a stint with now-defunct commercial firm Helmsley Spear. He launched Agorafy in April 2012, after expressing frustration with the inaccuracy of property listings in the commercial space, as The Real Deal previously reported.



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Video: Icy temperatures to last through weekend

>>> millions of people are waking up to bone chilling temperatures yet again this morning and the cold is not going away any time soon. nbc craig melvin is a few blocks away from us in central park . good morning to you.

>> reporter: good morning. many folks have gotten used to what had been a relatively warm winter. now, this, look at my handy-dandy outdoor thermometer, sh showing 16 degrees. that is not taking consideration the windchill. it's warmed up in central park , single digits. many all over this country are waking up to a different kind of cold. brutal, bone chilling and built to last, millions of americans in the grips of a bitter arctic blast , expected to last through the weekend and into monday.

>> i was cold. i stayed in the house all day.

>> freezing temperatures made worse by windchills that made it feel like 40 below zero, from the upper midwest to new england. unbearable for the brave workers outside.

>> the first 30 seconds is okay. after that, it's brutal.

>> reporter: for buildings, high winds shredded the roof of this in detroit.

>> 10 minutes is all it takes for frostbite to set in. plumbers working overtime to fix broken furnaces.

>> we're probably working 200% capacity right now, everybody working double shifts, trying to get everybody heat.

>> reporter: in webster, new york, a snowy road sent a school bus into a ditch. fortunately no one was hurt. staten island relief centers from superstorm sandy are now heating centers.

>> my fingers felt like they would fall right off, it is that cold.

>> reporter: but for some tourist, a chance for a moment frozen in time. for many, it's that teeth chattering uncomfortable cold. for others, it's been far worse. so far, several deaths are being blamed on this frigid cold snap , matt.

>> craig melvin, thank you very much. mr. roker, the question is how long will this last?

>> bundle up for the weekend because it will take that


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5 Staples of the Legal System That Statistics Say Don't Work ...

There is a huge difference between, say, going to the dentist now versus a hundred years ago, when it was just a drunk guy sticking leeches onto your chest and punching you until the defective tooth flew out. Yet, if you commit a crime, you'll find that much of that process hasn't changed in decades, if not centuries. Is it because these techniques that you've seen in a million crime dramas are perfect and impossible to be improved upon?

Hell, no. It's just that some habits are really hard to freaking change. And it's too bad, because ...

#5. Police Lineups Are a Waste of Time


You've seen this in a thousand movies: A half-dozen salty-faced ne'er-do-wells stand in front of a growth chart while a tearful old woman sits on the other side of one-way glass. She finally points to one of them and says, "That's the shitbag who took my purse! Don't bend over for the soap, you fucker!"

This classic scene is called a simultaneous lineup, and really, what better way is there to make sure you got the right guy than to stand his ass right in front of the witness?

"Which one of these two men punched you in your stupid face?"

Well, Actually ...

Just about anything, really.

The simultaneous lineup sucks, mainly because it's common for witnesses to just point out whoever looks the closest to what they remember, whether the actual perp is up there or not. The question the police want answered is "Do you see the guy who mugged you up there?" but the witness always hears it as "Tell us which of those six guys looks the most like the dude who mugged you. And it has to be one of them, or else you've wasted everyone's time."

"No one's out there stopping murders now, thanks to you."

And it's an even bigger problem when the officer standing there with the witness is the one who's working the case -- the officer is going to, consciously or unconsciously, subtly do everything he or she can to make that little old lady pick the guy the cops think did it (scientific experiments always have to control for this, otherwise the results are considered invalid).

There is an easy fix -- it's called a sequential lineup. The witness sees photos of people one at a time instead of all at once. The trick is not to tell the witnesses how many photos there are in total, and to only allow them to go through the pictures once. That's all there is to it -- it prevents witnesses from simply picking someone out because they're the best option in the bunch, it encourages them to keep looking until they see one who actually fits their memory, and it eliminates the chance for an officer to say things like "Now, did you look closely at No. 2? Look at him again, with his squinty, purse-stealing eyes ..."

"No, the guy who robbed me was painted more maroon than red."

But despite its unquestionable superiority over the old-fashioned lineup, a nationwide survey of U.S. police departments revealed that it's glaringly absent from nearly every precinct. If their objection is that you can't ask a photograph to step forward or turn around or say things like "Give me the keys, you fucking cocksucker," there's also the option of just using more people in the lineup -- just a few more choices make the rate of correct identification soar -- but again, you want the witness to see them one at a time.

So why do they stick to the old way? Well, a cynical person would say that some departments like knowing that they can subtly steer a witness to finger the "right" guy. But it could also be that they grew up watching the same cop movies we did and think the other way is cooler.

#4. Courts Do Everything They Can to Keep Juries Disinterested and Confused


People always joke about how stupid juries are ("I'm being judged by 12 people too dumb to get out of jury duty!"), but probably everyone reading this thinks that they would be a good juror. You're a smart person -- hell, you're spending your spare time reading this article about criminal justice procedures rather than watching skateboarding fail videos. Any reasonably intelligent person who pays attention is going to make the right call in the jury box.

"This is a gun. Even though it is in a sandwich bag, it is not for eating. Are we clear so far?"

Well, Actually ...

Imagine you're sitting on the jury of a murder trial where someone's life is in your hands, and the judge reads the following instructions to you out loud:

"In regard to the trier of fact, reasonable doubt is not a mere possible doubt, a speculative, imaginary, or forced doubt. If, after carefully considering, comparing, and weighing all the evidence, there is not an abiding conviction of guilt, or, if, having a conviction, it is one which is not stable but one which wavers and vacillates, then the charge is not proved beyond every reasonable doubt and you must find the defendant not guilty because the doubt is reasonable."

"So ... he's guilty then, or ... wait, what?"

Even for somebody who watches a lot of court dramas, hearing that out loud would sound like a word casserole. But that dense mass of double negatives and disjointed phrasing is the actual instructions intended to be read to a jury. As a result, juries frequently have no idea what the fuck they're supposed to be doing -- in one study, half of jury members didn't understand that the defendant doesn't need to prove him- or herself innocent, and 86 percent of criminal jurors don't know what constitutes proof of guilt. Of jurors asked to participate in a test on the things they should absolutely know after they've heard their instructions, most of them score about 40 percent.

Now, we don't want to alarm you, or imply that if you go to court your fate will be decided by 12 confused people who just want to get the hell out of there before the judge reads more cryptic riddles to them in Latin. We're just saying that instances of baffled jurors making terrible decisions are shockingly well-documented.

"We find the defendant ... fruity."

OK, so if these people are so befuddled by the process, why don't they just ask somebody?

The answer: They're probably not allowed to. It's up to the individual courts to decide if they'll allow jurors to talk and, spoiler alert, most of them don't (and in five U.S. states, it's absolutely prohibited for the jury to ask questions during any point in the trial). They are apparently afraid that the jurors would be constantly blurting embarrassing bullshit like Ralph from The Simpsons ("Excuse me, Mister Judge, I think I sharted again!"), but there are instances of jurors asking really good questions. For instance, in a lawsuit over a crippling hand injury, a juror had to ask whether the plaintiff was right- or left-handed. Everyone else involved in the trial knew, but no one thought of mentioning it to the jury.

"Also, which one is the plaintiff?"

The only legitimate reason not to allow juries to ask questions is because it makes trials take longer. Trials that involve jury questions are an average of half an hour longer, or as everyone else may know it, the "order" half of a Law & Order episode.

Wouldn't avoiding jury confusion be a good use of that time? Hell, until recently, most courts wouldn't even let the jury take notes. All of the things they let you do in school so you'd be ready for the exam aren't allowed when some guy's life is on the line.

#3. The Legal System Rewards Witnesses for False Testimony


Here's another one you've seen in every cop show or movie. If you want to get the big fish criminal, you need to catch some low-level thug and make him a deal: You'll go easy on him if he rolls over on his boss.

It happens in real life all the time -- for a textbook example, look no further than Clarence Zacke, a former hit man who was sentenced to 180 years but had it reduced by two-thirds because he worked as a prison snitch. In exchange for testimony against other convicts, the prosecution for those cases would promise to cut up to six decades off his sentence each time he helped.

It's not pretty, but how else can you get results? Nobody knows the inside of a criminal operation like another criminal, and you know they're telling the truth because its their own ass on the line.

"Now understand that if you're lying, you could go to j- oh, wait ... shit."

Well, Actually ...

They have every motivation to lie, and nothing to lose by doing it.

For instance, at some point Zacke ran out of things to snitch about, but still hadn't shaved off all the years of his sentence. So, he got creative and just started making shit up. He helped lock away a man named Wilton Dedge for burglary and sexual battery by claiming that Dedge confessed everything to him on the bus one day. Dedge spent 22 years in prison based on Zacke's witness testimony. That's how long it took for DNA evidence to exonerate Dedge, which meant he got an apologetic "Sorry we locked you up for 22 years in hell" slap on the back from the court and a ride home. But Zacke still got decades taken off his sentence for all his help.

Zacke, seen here enjoying his "Fuck the Man" release party.

This isn't a one-off occurrence, either. Unreliable snitches are a gold mine for prosecutors. Of all the people on death row who were finally proven innocent, about 46 percent were there in the first place because of these incentivized jailhouse informers who are rewarded with reduced sentences or special treatment and sometimes even money. Well, shit, if we can't trust the most amoral, duplicitous members of society, then who can we trust?

Texas passed a law last year that makes evidence obtained from prisoners in exchange for leniency, specifically in murder cases, inadmissible. Oh, and the only way "He totally told me he did it!" testimony from cellmates can be used is if it's recorded (so that, you know, we have some proof that the conversation actually occurred). But of course we can't expect the rest of the world to be as advanced and progressive as Texas.

The "Our Law Code Starts and Ends With the Barrel of a Gun" State.


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